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Investors Sue Musk for Manipulating DOGE Price! Judge Dismisses Lawsuit: Do You Believe His Tweets?

Elon Musk Wins Lawsuit Over Allegations of Manipulating DOGE Coin Price

Elon Musk, known for his frequent discussions on Dogecoin (DOGE), has recently emerged victorious in a lawsuit filed against him by DOGE investors. The lawsuit, which sought $2.58 billion in damages, alleged that Musk’s social media posts manipulated the price of the cryptocurrency. However, the judge dismissed the case, questioning the credibility of the claims made against Musk.

The Lawsuit Saga

The lawsuit stemmed from events in 2021 when Musk, in a series of tweets, dubbed himself “The Dogefather” and hinted at an upcoming appearance on the show “Saturday Night Live.” This led to a 20% surge in DOGE’s price. However, during the show, Musk referred to DOGE as a “hustle,” causing the coin’s value to plummet. This shift in tone prompted Keith Johnson and other DOGE investors to file a lawsuit in June 2022, alleging that Musk engaged in arbitrage trading using DOGE wallets controlled by him or Tesla, resulting in losses for investors.

“The Judge’s Ruling”

Manhattan Federal Judge Alvin Hellerstein ruled in favor of Musk, stating that Musk’s statements about DOGE, such as it being the future currency of Earth or Tesla accepting DOGE payments, were merely aspirational and not factual. The judge emphasized that rational investors would not base their decisions on Musk’s social media posts and could not find substantial evidence to support market manipulation claims.

Legal Defense and Outcome

Musk’s legal team argued that his remarks on DOGE were made in jest and did not warrant legal action. They highlighted the lack of clarity in the allegations of fraud or concealment of risks by Musk. The defense also pointed out that the investors’ claims were unfounded, as there was no evidence of Musk engaging in suspicious transactions or selling DOGE. Following the judge’s ruling, Musk’s lawyer, Alex Spiro, expressed satisfaction with the outcome, stating that it was a positive day for Dogecoin.


It is essential to note that this article provides market information for reference purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Readers should make their investment decisions independently, and the author and publisher assume no liability for any losses incurred as a result of trading activities.


In conclusion, the lawsuit against Elon Musk for alleged market manipulation of DOGE price has been dismissed by the court. The judge’s decision underscores the importance of distinguishing between aspirational statements and factual claims in the cryptocurrency space. As the legal battle concludes, it remains to be seen how this verdict will impact future regulatory actions in the crypto industry.


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