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CZ Zhao Changpeng Released on 9/29! SEC Reiterates Binance Violation of Federal Securities Laws

CZ Zhao Changpeng to Be Released on September 29! SEC Reiterates Binance Violation of Federal Securities Laws

According to the latest data from the US Federal Bureau of Prisons website, Binance founder Zhao Changpeng (CZ) is expected to be officially released on September 29 after serving four months in prison. He has been transferred to the Long Beach Residential Reentry Management in Central California. Earlier reports indicated that CZ will be permanently banned from holding leadership positions at Binance but will retain the rights as a major shareholder.

Last November, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, reached a settlement agreement with the US Department of Justice, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and other agencies. In the agreement, Binance admitted guilt and agreed to pay a $4.3 billion fine. Founder Zhao Changpeng (CZ) admitted to violating US anti-money laundering laws and other charges, resigned as CEO of Binance, and paid a $175 million fine.

In May this year, the US District Court in Seattle sentenced CZ to four months in prison, and he is currently serving his sentence. However, recent data from the US Federal Bureau of Prisons website shows that CZ has been transferred to the Long Beach Residential Reentry Management in Central California and is expected to be released on September 29.

Despite the conclusion of CZ’s legal battle with his imminent release, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has recently filed a modified lawsuit against Binance, reiterating the violation of federal securities laws. The SEC alleges that as a leading exchange, Binance’s actions in disseminating information such as project investments, market trading volume, and prices play a critical role in promoting digital assets on its platform. Additionally, the SEC claims that Binance’s platform token, BNB, is a security and that due to Binance’s influence, investors have bullish expectations on BNB.

Related Articles:

1. Breaking News: Binance CZ Resigns! WSJ: Zhao Changpeng Admits to US, Willing to Pay $4.3 Billion Fine

2. Don’t Be Overly Optimistic! Binance CZ Evaluation: I Guess ETFs Are Important in the US, But Not in Other Countries

3. Bankless: Is Binance CZ Too Powerful?

4. CZ to Be Released on 9/29, SEC Files Lawsuit Against Binance Again


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